Meeting of the Coordinators of Ethics and Anti-Corruption Procedures at the Polish Armaments Group

On August 30th 2016, the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Procedures Office PGZ S.A. organized a meeting for representatives subsidiaries of the Polish Armament Group, who serve as Coordinators of Ethics and Anti-Corruption Procedures.

It was the first of a series of scheduled meetings. The main goal is to exchange information about good practices, business ethics and the nature of the threats of corruption in the defense industry.

The meeting consisted two thematic blocks: the first concerned the role and importance of ethics in business, especially in the defense sector, and the second one corruption risks.

During the meeting coordinators of Ethics and Anti-Corruption Procedures subsidiaries of the Polish Armament Group received detailed information about the program and procedures to be implemented in their companies. In addition, coordinators are obligated to coordinate compliance system.

The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Procedures Office PGZ S.A. will manage the work of Coordinators.,meeting-of-the-coordinators-of-ethics-and-anti-corruption-procedures-at-the-polish-armaments-group